
Management & Business Developement Team

Below is a list of our Key Sales, Marketing & Product Management Team Members

Neil Rostholder

Chief Operations Officer

Chatsworth, CA
1976 - Present

LinkedIn - Neil Rostholder LinkedIn

Monica Beith

Vice President

Chatsworth, CA
1997 - Present
Quality Systems / Contracts / Operations
LinkedIn - Monica Beith LinkedIn

Dave Boush

Vice President

Frederick, Maryland
1998 - Present
Vendor Management / Systems and Business Analytics / Sales & Marketing / Compliance
LinkedIn - Dave Boush LinkedIn

Glen Schmidt

Director of Business Development
Titusville, Florida
2014 - Present
Business Development Team Manager / East Region US Business Development Territory
LinkedIn - Glen Schmidt LinkedIn

Bob Correa

Director of Product Marketing

Suffolk, Virginia
2017 - Present
Product Management / Vendor Relations / Marketing
LinkedIn - Bob Correa LinkedIn

Kurt Wiedenkeller

Midwest Business Development Manager

Wichita, Kansas
2015 - Present
Business Development / Sales
LinkedIn - Kurt Wiedenkeller LinkedIn

Mike Logan 

Strategic Portfolio Manager-Sales & Marketing

Claremont, California
2017 - Present
Business Development / Sales
LinkedIn - Mike Logan LinkedIn

About the Company

Flame Enterprises, Inc. was established in 1969 on the simple philosophy of creating a ready inventory of Electro-Mechanical items for Military and Aerospace customers who were burdened by the long factory lead times inherent in these products. 

All pricing on is subject to change.

Flame Enterprises is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Headquarters - Chatsworth CA
Maryland - Eastern US
Florida - Southeast US
Kansas - Midwest US

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© 2023 Flame Enterprises Inc.